Facebook, the social media platform your friends use to share cute pictures of their kids, your uncle uses to post obnoxious political opinions, and your grandmother uses to creepily stalk your current love interest. The rising popularity of social media platforms and the shifting demand for more instantized and engaged advertising methods has provided business owners with a unique and highly effective way to reach their customers and connect on a personal level.

To help you optimize your social media presence, we have created a list of ways you can use Facebook to promote your business while engaging and retaining a strong customer base.


  1. Engage your Audience

This is the most important step in building a successful social media presence for your business. Remember, your Facebook audience is composed of a wide variety of people, from current patients, parents, potential customers, and previous patients. Keep this in mind and craft messages to engage and relate to your audience.

The majority of your posts need to be aimed at cultivating engagement between your audience and your page. You can do this by encouraging audience participation and sharing relevant content.

Create engaging updates that get your audience to participate. For example, a good post for an Orthodontist office might be a picture of the doctor smiling with the caption: “Doctor _______ smiles because _______. What is your reason to smile? Comment below and tell us!”

A general rule for posting on social media is 80/20. If 80% of your content is engaging and fun for your audience, they will be far more receptive to the 20%, which is promotional or business advertising.


  1. Collect Testimonials and Reviews

If you set up your page as a local business, you have the ability to collect testimonials and reviews from your patients. You can then use these reviews to boost your business by responding to patient’s concerns, sharing positive reviews to your page and website, and using the valuable feedback to better your business.


  1. Keep your patients informed!

Facebook is a GREAT way to keep patients informed about upcoming events, special promotions, office closures or renovations, and even the daily happening at the office. These kinds of quality interactions allow your patients to feel more involved and familiar with your business while keeping your business in the forefront of their mind. This encourages repeat business, customer satisfaction and patient loyalty.

The benefits of strong social media presences are obvious. Your patients will be more engaged, informed, and satisfied with their care and you will be able to connect with your patients and reach new customers easily and effectively. The growing world of social media has provided business owners with a unique and highly effective way to reach their customers and connect on more personal level.

This is not an opportunity you want to miss! To ensure that you are using your social media platforms to optimize your business and maximize customer growth, retention and satisfaction, contact our specialists about a social media plan today!