social media

Brand Consistency

What is a brand?

Your brand is your identity as a practice, and it is the first impression your patients read […]

Referral Sources: Orthodontic and Pediatric Dentistry Offices

Studies have shown that referrals, whether from patients, doctors, or other external sources, account for as much as 80% of […]

Facebook: Your Social Addiction and Marketing Gold Mine

In the age of social media, the biggest mistake you as a business can make in your marketing plan is […]

We love our teachers!

With May 7-11 being this year’s official “Teacher Appreciation Week”, we want to ensure it is the best week possible! […]

New Store is Open

We have exciting news! Our new store is open!

Check it out at this link:

Our online apparel store has […]

Reaching Two (or Three) Social Medias with One Post

As dental/orthodontic professionals, whom exactly are we trying to reach through social media? The typical target market for orthodontic and […]